Since when? Only thing in common between he and I is adapting as displaced so far. Same as you and I. Me and the rest of the food chain native to this atmosphere, now.
I understand how eternity happens in plain sight eternally separating current lifetimes occupying space here. Evolving is a passionless series of events. I am filled with emotional reactions adapting uniquely me 24/7.
Instincts work from within a brain balancing with everything else inhabiting space at the same time evolving in their time share of inhabiting space now.
Relative time logistics doesn't define actual time limited to adapting personally here every heartbeat beating in this atmosphere now.
It is context used to keep each ancestor from navigating life as eternally separated so far. Factual accountability of behavior cradle to grave isn't same thing as individually eternally separated since arriving a actually a unique fertilized cell never same form shaped ancestrally here again.
Honestly believing life isn't self evident is a personal choice each brain makes usually forced upon them by their own ancestral lineage adapting to the corruption in their geographical longitude and latitude living now.